Here you will find some useful links including software, online services and more.
To view websites and web pages on the Internet, you need a browser and there are many different browsers each with different features. Visit the Wikipedia page for more information about Internet browsers and their history. Below are some of the browsers available.
BraveVivaldiMozilla FirefoxOperaChromiumChromeThere are many search engines on the Internet. These are very useful when needing to find something quickly. Below is a list of some of the more popular search engines on the Internet.
Duck Duck GoGoogleBingYahooQwantWebCrawlerDogpileHot BotEcosiaWolframAlphaLycosBelow are some links to software for your computer. Most of these options are free and should work on most operating systems.
Thunderbird EmailFilezilla FTPLibre OfficeAdobe Acrobat ReaderVLC Media PlayerGIMP (Edit Graphics)Audacious Media PlayerAudacity (Edit Audio)Handbrake (Convert Video)Below are some links to online services. Some of these are free and some have paid subscriptions.
Ookla SpeedtestDropbox (File Storage)Spotify (Music)Reverso (Translation)Duolingo (Language Learning)Toodledo (Tasks)Flickr (Photos)Wayback Machine (Internet Archive)Most people know about Microsoft Windows and Apple Macs. But these are not the only operating systems. There are many based on GNU/Linux and most of these are available for free. Below are some of the more popular options.
UbuntuKubuntuXubuntuLinux MintCentOSKDE NeonFedoraZorin OSDebianArch Linux* The links listed above are for general interest and informational purposes only. Digital Dreams does not endorse any of the links, software or services listed above and takes no responsibility whatsoever for their accuracy, currency and reliability.